Baby baby

8 in. x 8 in.

(materials: paper, blick board, gloss varnish, acrylic paint, sexism)

The baby that is in this photograph is Marilyn Monroe​​, an icon in Hollywood and was also one of the most sexualized women in American history. When you search her name the first image that comes up is the famous photo of her dress lifting up from air being blown beneath it. So what would it mean to add the makeup and jewelry she was known to wear, to an image of her as a baby? Makeup is generally used to “enhance” a person’s beauty, however when it is put on a baby it creates a different meaning. First, it shows the societal expectations of females from a young age. Secondly it also shows the lack of control a young child has in a place where beauty is a standard and expectation. To add to the image I made the border/frame the campaign slogan from the makeup brand Maybelline; “Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline.” This slogan, along with many other companies in the beauty industry, contribute to the idea that their products are needed in order for one to be beautiful. Large corporations desire for money, drives expectations of the buyers to fit into standards made by the companies. In their eyes, if they advertise that someone needs their products in order to be beautiful it will increase their sales. This piece was another part of my sustained investigation. Exploring the question; What is beauty?